LABURNUM ADAMI (_syn Cytisus Adami_).--A graft hybrid form between the
common Laburnum and Cytisus purpureus, the result being flowers of the
Laburnum, the true Cytisus purpureus, and the graft hybrid between the
two. It was raised by Jean Louis Adam in 1825. It is a curious and
distinct tree, worthy of culture if only for the production of three
distinct kinds of flowers on the same plant.
n Cytisus alpinus_).--Scotch Laburnum. Europe, 1596. This
very closely resembles the common Laburnum, but it is of larger growth,
and flowers later in the season. The flowers, too, though in longer
racemes, are usually less plentifully produced. It grows 30 feet high.
There is a weeping form, L. alpinum pendulum, and another with fragrant
flowers, named L. alpinum fragrans, as also a third, with very long
racemes of flowers, named L. alpinum Alschingeri.
L. CARAMANICUM.--Asia Minor, 1879. A bushy shrub of vigorous habit, with
trifoliolate and petiolate leaves of a pale green colour, thick and
tough, and brightly polished on the upper surface. Flowers bright
yellow, the calyx being helmet-shaped and rusty-red. It is a beautiful
but uncommon shrub, and succeeds very well in chalky or calcareous soil.
Flowers in July.
L. VULGARE (_syn Cytisus Laburnum_).--Common Laburnum. Southern France
to Hungary, 1596. This is one of our commonest garden and park trees,
and at the same time one of the most beautiful and floriferous. The
large, pendulous racemes of bright yellow flowers are, when at their
best in May, surpassed neither in quantity nor beauty by those of any
other hardy tree. There are several varieties of this Laburnum--a few
good, but many worthless, at least from a garden point of view. L.
vulgare Parkesii is a seedling form, bearing large racemes of
deep-coloured flowers, often 14 inches long; L. vulgare Watereri was
raised in the Knap Hill Nursery, Surrey, and is one of the most distinct
and beautiful of the many forms into which the Laburnum has been
sub-divided. The flower racemes are very long and richly coloured. L.
vulgare quercifolium and L. vulgare sessilifolium are fairly well
described by their names; L. vulgare fragans differs only in having
sweetly-scented flowers; L. vulgare involutum has curiously-curled
leaves; while L. vulgare aureum, where it does well, is a beautiful and
distinct form.