
MAGNOLIA ACUMINATA.--Cucumber Tree. North America, 1736. This is a large

and handsome species, of often as much as 50 feet in height, and with a

head that is bushy in proportion. The leaves are 6 inches long, ovate

and pointed, and of a refreshing shade of green. Flowers

greenish-yellow, sweetly scented, and produced abundantly all over the

tree. They are succeeded by small, roughish fruit, resembling an infant

, but they usually fall off before becoming ripe.

M. CAMPBELII.--Sikkim, 1868. This is a magnificent Indian species, but,

unfortunately, it is not hardy except in the favoured English and Irish

localities. The leaves are large, and silky on the undersides, while the

flowers are crimson and white, and equally as large as those of the

better-known M. grandiflora.

M. CONSPICUA (_syn M. Yulan_).--Yulan. China, 1789. A large-growing

shrub, with Pea-green, deciduous foliage, and large, pure white flowers

that oft get damaged by the spring frosts. M. conspicua Soulangeana is a

supposed hybrid between M. conspicua and M. obovata. Whatever may be the

origin of this Magnolia, it is certainly a handsome and showy plant of

very vigorous growth, producing freely its white, purple-tinted flowers,

and which last for a long time in perfection. There are several other

varieties, including M. conspicua Soulangeana nigra, with dark purplish

flowers; M. conspicua Alexandrina, M. conspicua Soulangeana speciosa,

and M. conspicua Norbertii.

M. CORDATA, a native of the Southern Alleghanies (1801), is still rare

in collections. It is a small-growing, deciduous species, with yellow

flowers, that are neither scented nor showy.

M. FRASERI (_syn M. auriculata_).--Long-leaved Cucumber Tree. North

America, 1786. This species has distinctly auriculated leaves and large,

yellowish-white, fragrant flowers.

M. GLAUCA.--Laurel Magnolia. North America, 1688. This is one of the

commonest species in our gardens, and at the same time one of the

hardiest. It is of shrub size, with Laurel-like leaves, and

sweetly-scented, small, pure white flowers, produced about the end of


M. GRANDIFLORA.--North America, 1737. One of the handsomest species,

with very large, glossy, evergreen leaves, and deliciously odoriferous,

creamy-white flowers, that are often fully 6 inches across. It is

usually seen as a wall plant, and the slight protection thus afforded is

almost a necessity in so far as the development of the foliage and

flowers is concerned. M. grandiflora exoniensis (Exmouth Magnolia) is a

very handsome form.

M. LENNEI.--This is a garden hybrid between M. conspicua and M. obovata

discolor, and has flowers as large as a goose's egg, of a rosy-purple

colour, and produced profusely.

M. MACROPHYLLA.--North America, 1800. This species has very large leaves

and flowers, larger, perhaps, than those of any other species. They are

very showy, being white with a purple centre. It attains a height of 30


M. OBOVATA DISCOLOR (_syn M. purpurea_).--Japan, 1790. This is a

small-growing, deciduous shrub, with large, dark green leaves, and

Tulip-shaped flowers, that are purple on the outside and almost white


M. PARVIFLORA, from Japan, with creamy-white, fragrant flowers, that are

globular in shape, is a very distinct and attractive species, but cannot

generally be relied upon as hardy.

M. STELLATA (_syn M. Halleana_).--Japan, 1878. A neat, small-growing,

Japanese species, of bushy habit, and quite hardy in this country. The

small, white, fragrant flowers are produced abundantly, even on young

plants, and as early as April. One of the most desirable and handsome of

the small-growing species. M. stellata (pink variety) received an Award

of Merit at the meeting of the Royal Horticultural Society on March 28,

1893. This bids fair to be really a good thing, and may best be

described as a pink-flowered form of the now well-known and popular


M. UMBRELLA (_syn M. tripetala_).--Umbrella Tree. North America, 1752. A

noble species, with large, deep green leaves, that are often 16 inches

long. It is quite hardy around London, and produces its large, white,

fragrant flowers in succession during May and June. The fruit is large

and showy, and of a deep purplish-red colour.

