MYRTUS COMMUNIS.--Common Myrtle. South Europe, 1597. A well-known shrub,
which, unless in very favoured spots and by the sea-side, cannot survive
our winters. Where it does well, and then only as a wall plant, this and
its varieties are charming shrubs with neat foliage and an abundance of
showy flowers. The double-flowered varieties are very handsome, but they
are more suitable for glass culture than planting in the open.
M. LUMA (_syn Eugenia apiculata_ and _E. Luma_).--Chili. Though
sometimes seen growing out of doors, this is not to be recommended for
general planting, it being best suited for greenhouse culture.
M. UGNI (_syn Eugenia Ugni_).--Valdivia, 1845. A small-growing,
Myrtle-like shrub, that is only hardy in favoured parts of the country.
It is of branching habit, with small, wiry stems, oval, coriacious
leaves, and pretty pinky flowers. The edible fruit is highly ornamental,
being of a pleasing ruddy tinge tinted with white. This dwarf-growing
shrub wants the protection of a wall, and when so situated in warm
seaside parts of the country soon forms a bush of neat and pleasing