
GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS.--Kentucky Coffee Tree. Canada, 1748. When in

full leafage this is a distinct and beautiful tree, the foliage hanging

in well-rounded masses, and presenting a pretty effect by reason of the

loose and tufted appearance of the masses of finely-divided leaves.

Leaves often 3 feet long, bipinnate, and composed of numerous

bluish-green leaflets. Flowers white, borne in loose spikes in the

beginning of summer, and succeeded by flat, somewhat curved brown pods.

It prefers a rich, strong soil or alluvial deposit.

G. CHINENSIS.--Soap Tree. China, 1889. Readily distinguished from the

American species by its much smaller and more numerous leaflets, and

thicker fruit pod. It is not very hardy in this country unless in the

milder sea-side districts. The leaves are used by the Chinese women to

wash their hair, hence the popular name of Soap Tree.

