
HELIANTHEMUM HALIMIFOLIUM.--Spain, 1656. This species is of erect habit,

3 feet or 4 feet high, and with leaves reminding one of those of the Sea

Purslane. It is an evergreen, and has large bright yellow flowers,

slightly spotted at the base of the petals.

H. LAEVIPES (_syn Cistus laevipes_).--South-western Europe. A dwarf

shrub, with Heath-like leaves, and yellow flowers that are produced in

great abunda

H. LASIANTHUM (_syns H. formosum_ and _Cistus formosus_).--Spain and

Portugal, 1780. This is a beautiful species, but not hardy unless in the

South and West. It has large, bright yellow flowers, with a deep

reddish-purple blotch at the base of each petal.

H. LAVENDULAEFOLIUM has lavender-like leaves, with the under surface

hoary, and yellow flowers. A native of the Mediterranean regions.

H. LIBONATES.--This species bears dark green Rosemary-like leaves, and

yellow flowers that are produced very abundantly. South Europe.

H. PILOSUM.--South of France, 1831. This bears white flowers that are of

good substance, and about an inch across.

H. POLIFOLIUM (_syn H. pulverulentum_).--Europe (Britain), and North

Africa. This is a neat-growing shrub, of very dwarf growth, with hairy

leaves and yellow flowers; and H. polifolium roseum, has pretty rosy-red


H. UMBELLATUM.--South Europe, 1731. A neat, small-growing species, with

white flowers and glossy-green leaves covered with a rusty-white

tomentum beneath.

H. VULGARE.--Common Rock Rose. Europe (Britain), North Africa, and West

Asia. A widely distributed native plant, of dwarf growth, with

linear-oblong, hairy leaves, and usually yellow flowers. H. vulgare

nummularium differs in having the leaves green and sub-orbicular, with

yellow flowers. H. vulgare barbaturn is of erect habit, with silky,

hairy, oval leaves. H. vulgare mutabile bears pale rose flowers, marked

with yellow at the base. H. vulgare grandiflorum is remarkable for the

large, bright yellow flowers, and is one of the most beautiful and

worthy varieties. H. vulgare ovalifolium (_syn H. serpyllifolium_) bears

yellow flowers and ovate leaves, with the margins revolute. H. vulgare

hyssopifolium bears reddish flowers, but the colouring varies

considerably, and saffron is not uncommon.

The Rockroses are very valuable plants, in that they will succeed on

poor, gravelly banks where few other plants could eke out an existence.

They cannot withstand stiff soil, nor that at all inclined to be damp,

their favourite resorts being exposed, rocky ground, and dry, gravelly

banks. Being readily increased from cuttings, which take root well under

a hand glass or in a cool house, it is advisable, at least with the more

tender forms, to have at hand a stock, so that blanks in the shrubbery

may be filled up.

