GORDONIA LASIANTHUS.--Loblolly Bay. North America, 1739. A shrub of
great beauty, but one that, unfortunately, is rarely to be seen outside
the walls of a botanic garden. It is of Camellia-like growth, with
large, sweetly fragrant flowers and a good habit of growth.
G. PUBESCENS.--North America, 1774. This is of smaller growth than the
latter, rarely exceeding about 6 feet high, with large white flowers
that are rendered all the more conspicuous by the tuft of golden
stamens. Both species are somewhat tender, although hailing from the
coast, swampy grounds of the southern States of North America. Planted
in favoured sites, they usually grow freely in light, peaty soil, or
that containing a large admixture of decayed leaf soil.