ESCALLONIA FLORIBUNDA (_syn E. montevideusis_).--New Grenada, 1827.
This is one of the handsomest species, bearing long, arching clusters
of white flowers. It is a very desirable shrub for wall or lattice-work
covering, against which it grows rapidly, and soon forms an object of
great beauty by reason of its neat foliage and graceful habit, as also
wealth of pretty flowers.
E. ILLINATA.--Chili, 1830. This
should also be included, it being a
handsome and pretty-flowered plant.
E. MACRANTHA.--Chiloe, 1848. This is a general favourite in English
gardens, where it succeeds well, but especially in maritime parts of
the country. It is of stout growth, 6 feet or more in height, of
spreading habit, and with elliptical, serrulated, bright green leaves,
and clusters of crimson-red flowers produced in summer. For
wall-covering this is an almost invaluable shrub, although it succeeds
well as a standard in all but the colder parts of the country. Any
free, open soil suits it well, but thorough drainage must be attended
to. There are several very distinct and good varieties, such as E.
macrantha sanguinea, with flowers deeper in colour than those of the
parent plant; and E. macrantha Ingrami, a profuse-blooming and very
desirable form.
E. PHILLIPIANA.--Valdivia, 1873. When seen as a standard bush, and
loaded with its myriads of tiny white flowers, this must rank amongst
the handsomest members of the family. It is very hardy, and retains its
foliage throughout the winter. The hybrid forms, E. exoniensis and E.
leucantha, deserve recognition, the latter even as late as November
being laden with its small spikes of pretty white flowers, which
contrast nicely with the neat, evergreen foliage.
E. PTEROCLADON.--Patagonia, 1854. This is remarkable for the
curiously-winged branches, which give to the shrub a rather peculiar
and distinct appearance. The freely-produced flowers are white or pink.
E. RUBRA.--Chili, 1827. This has less handsome leaves and flowers than
the above, but it is, all the same, a beautiful plant. The flowers vary
a good deal in depth of colouring, and may be seen of all tints between
pure white and red.
The Escallonias are all of very free growth in any light, warm, sandy,
and well-drained soil, and are readily propagated.