GENISTA AETNENSIS (_syn Spartium aetnensis_).--Etna Broom. Sicily and
Sardinia, 1816. This is a large-growing species of elegant growth, and
remarkable for the abundance of yellow flowers with which it is
literally covered in August. Than this South-European Pea-flower,
perhaps not another member of the family is more worthy of culture, the
neat, elegant habit of growth and profusion of flowers rendering it a
plant of
articular interest and beauty. It is quite hardy, thrives in
any light soil if well drained, and is readily propagated from seed,
which it ripens in abundance.
G. ANXANTICA.--Naples, 1818. This is a nearly allied species to our
native G. tinctoria, and is of dwarf growth with a rich abundance of
golden yellow flowers that are produced towards the end of summer.
G. CINEREA (_syn G. ramosissima_), from South Europe, is a very
beautiful and desirable species, a yard high, and bearing in July
slender twigs of the brightest yellow flowers.
G. EPHEDROIDES.--Corsica and Sardinia, 1832. With small and
abundantly-produced flowers, this resembles Ephedra, hence its name.
G. GERMANICA.--Germany, 1773. This is a handsome rock garden shrub, of
fully 18 inches in height, with arching stems and a plentiful supply of
bright flowers during the summer and autumn months.
G. HISPANICA.--South-western Europe, 1759. This species resembles our
common Broom, but the branches are not angular. The large, yellow,
fragrant flowers appear in July. There is a charming double-flowered
variety named G. hispanica flore-pleno.
G. LUSITANICA.--Portugal, 1771. This is remarkable for its opposite
branches, is of spiny growth, and one of the earliest to appear in
G. MONOSPERMA.--South Europe, 1690. This has white flowers, and is of
value as a seaside shrub, and grows well in almost pure sand. A native
of the Mediterranean coast.
G. PILOSA.--Greenweed. Europe (Britain). This is a dense prostrate
native species, with bright yellow blossoms produced freely during May
and June. A delightful rock shrub, and one that will succeed well almost
in pure gravel.
G. PROSTRATA.--Burgundy and Alps of Jura, 1775. A small-growing species
suitable for rock gardening, and of spreading bushy growth. Flowers
small, but ornamental, and produced in May and June.
G. RADIATA (_syn Spartium radiatum_).--South Europe, 1758. This is a
slender-growing shrub, about 18 inches high, with narrow leaflets, and
terminal heads of yellow flowers produced in summer.
G. SAGITTALIS.--South Europe, 1750. With its peculiarly winged and
jointed stems, which are of a deep green colour, this is one of the most
distinct forms. The flowers are few but pretty, and with the dwarf habit
render the plant an excellent subject for rockwork.
G. TINCTORIA.--Dyers' Greenweed. Europe (Britain), North and West Asia.
This is a spineless species, and bears a profusion of yellow flowers
from July onwards. The double-flowering variety, G. tinctoria
flore-pleno, is, in so far as ornamental qualities are concerned,
superior to the parent form.
G. TINCTORIA ELATIOR (_syn G. elatior_) grows to 12 feet in height, is
of free, spreading growth, and a very handsome plant. The flowers, which
are individually small and yellow, are so thickly produced that the
shrub, in late summer, has the appearance of a sheet of gold.
G. TRIANGULARIS (_syn G. triquetra_).--South Europe, 1815. This is a
decidedly good garden plant, and of neat, trailing habit. The stems are
three sided, and the flowers golden yellow and plentifully produced. A
native of South Europe, and perfectly hardy in almost any position.
The above include most of the hardy Genistas, though G. capitata and G.
daurica, both very ornamental kinds, might be added to the list. They
are all very hardy, free-flowering shrubs, of simple culture, and
succeeding well in any light and rather dry soil.