LONICERA CAPRIFOLIUM.--Europe. This species resembles L. Periclymenum,
but is readily distinguished by the sessile flower-heads, and
fawny-orange flowers.
L. FLEXUOSA (_syn L. brachypoda_).--Japan, 1806. This is a pretty
species, and one of the most useful of the climbing section. By its
slender, twining, purplish stems, it may at once be distinguished, as
also by the deep green, purplish-tinted leaves, a
d sweetly-scented
flowers of various shades of yellow and purple. A native of China, and
perfectly hardy as a wall plant. L. flexuosa aureo-reticulata is a
worthy variety, in which the leaves are beautifully netted or variegated
with yellow.
L. FRAGRANTISSIMA.--China, 1845. This species is often confounded with
L. Standishii, but differs in at least one respect, that the former is
strictly a climber, while the latter is of bushy growth. The leaves,
too, of L. Standishii are hairy, which is not the case with the other
species. It is a very desirable species, with white fragrant flowers,
produced during the winter season.
L. PERICLYMENUM.--Honeysuckle, or Woodbine. An indigenous climbing
shrub, with long, lithe, and twisted cable-like branches, and bearing
heads of sweetly-scented, reddish-yellow flowers. This is a favourite
wild plant, and in the profusion and fragrance of its flowers it is
surpassed by none of the exotic species. There are several distinct
nursery forms of this plant, including those known as L. Periclymenum
Late Dutch, L. Periclymenum Early Cream, and L. Periclymenum
odoratissimum; as also one with variegated foliage.
L. SEMPERVIRENS.--Scarlet Trumpet Honeysuckle. A North American
evergreen species (1656), with scarlet, almost inodorous flowers,
produced freely during the summer. For wall covering it is one of the
most useful of the family. The variety L. sempervirens minor is worthy
of attention.
L. STANDISHII, a Chinese species (1860), has deliciously fragrant while
flowers, with a slight purplish tint, and is well worthy of attention,
it soon forming a wall covering of great beauty.
L. TATARICA.---Tartarian Honeysuckle. Tartary, 1752. This is a very
variable species, in so far at least as the colour of flowers is
concerned, and has given rise to several handsome varieties. The typical
plant has rosy flowers, but the variety L. tatarica albiflora has pure
white flowers; and another, L. tatarica rubriflora has freely produced
purplish-red flowers.
L. XYLOSTEUM (_syn Xylosteum dumetorum_).--Fly Honeysuckle. Europe
(England) to the Caucasus. The small, creamy-white flowers of this plant
are not particularly showy, but the scarlet berries are more conspicuous
in September and October. The gray bark of the branches has also a
distinct effect in winter when grown in contrast to the red-barked
species of Cornus, Viburnum, and yellow-barked Osier. It is one of the
oldest occupants of British shrubberies. L. Xylosteum leucocarpum has
white berries; those of L. Xylosteum melanocarpum are black; and in L.
Xylosteum xanthocarpum they are yellow.
The Honeysuckles are all of the readiest culture, and succeed well in
very poor soils, and in that of opposite qualities. Propagated from
cuttings or by layering.