LIPPIA CITRIODORA (_syns Aloysia citriodora_ and _Verbena
triphylla_).--Lemon-scented Verbena. Chili, 1794. With its slender
branches and pale green, pleasantly-scented, linear leaves, this little
plant is a general favourite that needs no description. The flowers are
not very ornamental, being white or lilac, and produced in small,
terminal panicles. A native of Chili, it is not very hardy, but grown
against a sunny wall, and afforded the protection of a mat in winter,
with a couple of shovelfuls of cinders heaped around the stem, it passes
through the most severe weather with little or no injury, save, in some
instances, the branch tips being killed back. Propagated readily from
cuttings placed in a cool frame or under a hand-light.