
OLEARIA HAASTII.--New Zealand, 1872. This Composite shrub is only hardy

in the milder parts of England and Ireland. It is of stiff, dwarf

growth, rarely growing more than 4 feet high, but of neat and compact

habit. Flowering as it does in late summer it is rendered of special

value, the Daisy-like white blossoms being produced in large and flat

clusters at the branch tips. The leaves are neat and of leathery

texture, a
d being evergreen lend an additional charm to the shrub.

O. MACRODONTA (_syn O. dentata_), from New Zealand, 1886, is tolerably

hardy, and may be seen in good form both at Kew and in the South of

Ireland. The large Holly-like leaves are of a peculiar silvery-green

tint above, and almost white on the under sides. Flowers white, and

produced in dense heads in June and July.

O. Forsterii and O. Gunniana (_syn Eurybia Gunniana_) are nearly hardy

species, the latter, from New Zealand, bearing a profusion of white

Daisy-like flowers on dense, twiggy branches.

