
KALMIA ANGUSTIFOLIA.--Sheep Laurel. Canada, 1736. This is at once

distinguished from K. latifolia by its much smaller and narrower leaves

and smaller flowers, which latter are, however, of brighter tint and

more plentifully produced. It rarely exceeds 2 feet in height. Of this

there are two very distinct forms, that named K. angustifolia pumila,

being of neat and dense small growth; and K. angustifolia rubra, in

he flowers are of an unusually deep red.

K. GLAUCA.--Canada and Sitcha, 1767. This, which has lilac-purple

flowers, produced in early spring, is not a very desirable species,

being rather straggling of growth and with few flowers.

K. HIRSUTA.--Hairy-leaved Kalmia. South-east Virginia to Florida, 1786.

This is at once distinguished by the rather rough and hairy foliage and

few rosy-tinted flowers. It is of dwarf, neat growth.

K. LATIFOLIA.--Calico Bush, or Mountain Laurel. Alleghanies, Canada, and

Western Florida, 1734. A favourite shrub in every garden where the

conditions of soil will allow of its being successfully cultivated. In

peaty soil, or light, friable loam and leaf soil, it forms a dense,

round-headed bush, often 8 feet in height, and nearly as much through,

with pleasing green leaves, and dense clusters of beautiful pink,

wax-like flowers. The flowering period commences in May, and usually

extends to the end of July. This is a choice shrub of great hardihood,

and one of the handsomest flowering in cultivation. There is a still

more beautiful form named K. latifolia major splendens, and one with

small Myrtle-like foliage named K. latifolia myrtifolia.

The members of this handsome family are, as a rule, partial to cool,

damp soil, peat of a light, sandy nature being preferred. They thrive

well where Azaleas and Rhododendrons will succeed. In bold masses they

have a fine effect, but a well developed standard specimen of the

commonly cultivated species is highly ornamental.

