VIBURNUM ACERIFOLIUM.--Dockmackie. New England to Carolina, 1736. This
is one of the handsomest members of the family, being of slender growth
and compact and neat in habit. It grows to fully 4 feet in height, and
is well supplied with neatly three-lobed leaves, these in the autumn
turning to a deep crimson. The flowers, too, are highly ornamental,
being borne in fair sized clusters, and white or yellowish-white. It is
a very desirable and beautiful plant, quite hardy, and of free growth in
any fairly rich soil.
V. AWAFUKII.--Japan, 1842. This is another rare and beautiful plant, of
neat habit, and producing an abundance of showy white flowers, that are,
however, seldom produced in this country.
V. DAHURICUM.--Dahuria, 1785. This is a charming hardy species, which in
May and June is covered with numerous umbels of showy white flowers. It
forms a rather spreading bush of 6 feet or 8 feet high, with gray downy
branches, and neat foliage. The berries are oval-oblong, red at first,
but becoming black and faintly scented when fully ripe.
V. DENTATUM.--Arrowwood. A native of the United States, 1763. This can
be recommended as a distinct and beautiful shrub, with cymes of white
flowers that are produced in plenty. The leaves are dark green, smooth,
and shining, and strongly veined, while the bark is ash-coloured, and
the berries bright blue.
V. LANTANA.--Wayfaring Tree. Europe (Britain). This is a native species
of large bush, or almost tree growth, with rugose, oblong, serrulated
leaves, and large, flat cymes of white flowers appearing in May and
June. The whole tree is usually covered with a scaly tomentum, while the
fruit is a black flattened drupe.
V. LENTAGO.--Sheepberry and Sweet Viburnum. North America, 1761. This
resembles our native V. Lantana, with dense clusters of white blossoms
succeeded by black berries.
V. MACROCEPHALUM (_syn V. Fortunei_).--China, 1844. This is a Chinese
species, but one that cannot be depended on as hardy enough to withstand
our most severe winters. It has very large heads or panicles of white
neutral flowers. Against a sunny wall and in a cosy nook it may
occasionally be found doing fairly well, but it is not to be generally
V. NUDUM.--American Withe Rod. Canada to Georgia, 1752. This is also
worthy of being included in a selection of these shrubs.
V. OPULUS.--Guelder Rose. A native shrub of great beauty, whether in
foliage, flower, or fruit. The leaves are variously lobed or deeply
toothed, large and handsome, and the flower heads of good size, flat,
and composed of a number of small flowers, the outer only being sterile.
Individually the flowers are dull and inconspicuous, but being produced
in amazing quantity, they have a very pleasing and effective appearance.
The great bunches of clear pinky berries render a fair-sized plant
particularly handsome and attractive, and for which alone, as also
beauty of autumnal foliage, the shrub is well worthy of extensive
culture. It grows fully 15 feet high, and may frequently be seen as much
through. V. Opulus sterilis (Snowball Tree) is one of the commonest
occupants of our shrubberies, and a decidedly ornamental-flowering
shrub. The large, almost globular flower heads hanging from every branch
tip, are too well-known to require description, and have made the shrub
one of the most popular in ornamental planting.
V. PAUCIFLORUM is a native of cold, moist woods from Labrador to Alaska,
and may best be described as a miniature V. Opulus. It rarely grows more
than 4 feet high, with small cymes of flowers, that are devoid of the
neutral flowers of that species.
V. PLICATUM, from Japan 1846, is another very beautiful and desirable
shrub, of rather dwarf, spreading growth, and having the leaves deeply
wrinkled, plaited, and serrated on the margins. The flowers resemble
those of the commonly cultivated species, but they are rather larger,
and of a purer white. It is a decidedly ornamental species of easy
growth in any good soil, and where not exposed to cold winds.
V. PRUNIFOLIUM, New England to Carolina, 1731, with Plum-like leaves,
and pretty white flowers, is another free-growing and beautiful North
American species.
V. PYRIFOLIUM.--Pear-leaved Viburnum. Pennsylvania to New Jersey, 1812.
This is a rarely-seen, but very ornamental species, with oval-shaped,
finely-toothed leaves, that are borne on short, slightly-winged stalks
about half-an-inch long. Flowers sweetly scented, white, and in broad
corymbs, the feathery appearance of the long, projecting stamens, each
tipped with a golden anther, adding considerably to the beauty of the
V. RETICULATUM and V. LAEVIGATUM are rarely seen species, but of interest
botanically, if not for floral beauty.
V. TINUS.--Laurustinus. South Europe, 1596. So commonly cultivated a
shrub needs no description here, sufficient to say that the handsome
evergreen foliage and pretty pinky-white flowers assign to it a first
position amongst hardy ornamental flowering shrubs, V. Tinus strictum
has darker foliage than the species, is more upright, rather more hardy,
but not so profuse in the bearing of flowers. V. Tinus lucidum
(Glossy-leaved Laurustinus), of the several varieties of Laurustinus has
the largest foliage, finest flowers, and altogether is of the most
robust growth. It is, unfortunately, not very hardy, probably in that
respect not even equalling the parent plant. Usually it does not flower
freely, neither are the flowers produced so early as in the species, but
individually they are much larger. It is of tall growth, and rarely
forms the neat, dense bush, for which the common shrub is so admired. V.
Tinus rotundifolium has rounded leaves; and V. Tinus rotundifolium
variegatum has irregularly variegated leaves.