SKIMMIA FORTUNEI.--Japan, 1845. This is a neat-growing shrub, with
glossy, laurel-like leaves, white or greenish-white flowers, and an
abundance of scarlet berries in autumn. It succeeds best in a somewhat
shady situation, and when planted in not too heavy peaty soil, but where
abundance of not stagnant moisture is present.
S. JAPONICA (of Thunberg) (_syn S. oblata_).--Japan, 1864. A
neat-growing, evergre
n shrub, with rather larger and more showy leaves
than the former, and spikes of pretty whitish, sweetly scented flowers.
The female form of this is usually known as S. fragrans. What is usually
known as S. oblata ovata, and S. oblata Veitchii, are only forms of the
true S. japonica; while S. fragrantissima is the male of the same
species. The beautiful, berried plant that has been exhibited under the
name of S. Foremanii, and which is of very vigorous growth, and produces
pyramidal spikes of sweetly scented flowers, is probably S. japonica, or
a seminal variety. Another variety sent out under the name of S.
macrophylla has unusually large leaves; and another named S. Rogersi
produces fruit very abundantly.
S. LAUREOLA (_syn Limonia Laureola_), from the Himalayas, is an uncommon
species, with very fragrant and pale yellow flowers.
S. RUBELLA (China, 1874) is another member of the family that has
greenish-white, sweet-scented flowers, and which when better known will
be largely planted.