SOLANUM CRISPUM.--Potato-tree. A native of Chili, 1824, and not very
hardy, except in the coast regions of England and Ireland. It grows
stout and bushy, often in favoured places rising to the height of 12
feet, and has large clusters of purple-blue flowers that are succeeded
by small, white berries. This is a decidedly ornamental shrub, that
should be cultivated wherever a suitable place can be spared. It bears
hard pruning back with impunity, and succeeds in any light, rich, loamy
S. DULCAMARA.--Bitter Sweet, and Woody Nightshade. This is a native
plant, and one of great beauty when seen clambering over a fence, or
bank. It has long, flexuous stems, and large clusters of purple flowers,
which are made all the more conspicuous by the showy yellow anthers. The
scarlet fruit is very effective.