STAPHYLEA COLCHICA.--Colchican Bladder Nut. Caucasus. This is a very
distinct shrub, about 6 feet high, with large clusters of showy white
flowers. Being quite hardy, and very ornamental, this species is worthy
the attention of planters.
S. PINNATA.--Job's Tears, or St. Anthony's Nut. South Europe. This is a
straggling shrub, from 6 feet to 8 feet high, with white, racemose
flowers, succeeded by bladder-like capsules.
S. TRIFOLIA.--North America, 1640. This is distinguished by its larger
white flowers and trifoliolate leaves. It is the American Bladder Nut,
but, like the latter, can hardly be included amongst ornamental plants.
All the Bladder Nuts grow freely in good light dampish loam.