SYMPHORICARPUS OCCIDENTALIS.--Wolf Berry. North America. This species
has larger and more freely-produced flowers, and smaller fruit than the
commonly-cultivated plant.
S. RACEMOSUS (_syn Symphoria racemosus_).--Snowberry. North America,
1817. One of the commonest shrubs in English gardens, with small, oval,
entire leaves, and neat little racemes of pretty pink flowers, succeeded
by the familiar snow-whit
berries, and for which the shrub is so
S. VULGARIS.--Coral Berry, Common St. Peter's Wort. North America, 1730.
This is readily distinguished by its showy and freely-produced coral
berries. There is a very neat and much sought after variety, having
conspicuous green and yellow leaves, and named S. vulgaris foliis
The Snowberries are of no great value as ornamental shrubs, but owing to
their succeeding well in the very poorest and stoniest of soils, and
beneath the shade and drip of trees, it is to be recommended that they
are not lost sight of. They grow and spread freely, and are therefore
useful where unchecked and rampant shrub growth is desirable.