VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM.--Canada to Carolina and Georgia, 1765. This is one
of the most beautiful and showy species, with dense clusters of small,
pinky flowers.
V. MYRTILLUS.--Whortleberry, Bilberry, Blackberry, and Blueberry. A
native plant, with angular stems, ovate-toothed leaves, and pinky-white
flowers, succeeded by bright, bluish-black berries.
V. PENNSYLVANICUM.--New England to Virginia, 1772. This has rather
inconspicuous flowers, and is of greatest value for the autumnal foliage
V. VITIS-IDEA (Cowberry, Flowering Box, or Brawlins) a native species,
has racemose flowers, and red berries.
Other species that might be included are V. canadense, V. stamineum, V.
frondosum, and V. ligustrifolium.
The various species of Vaccinium are of dwarf or procumbent growth, and
only suitable for planting in beds, or on rockwork, where they will not
be lost sight of. They thrive best in soil of a peaty nature.