VERONICA PINQUIFOLIA.--New Zealand, 1870. This is one of the hardiest
species, but it is of low growth, and only suitable for alpine
gardening. It is a dwarf spreading shrub, with intensely glaucous leaves
and white flowers.
V. TRAVERSII.--New Zealand, 1873. This may be considered as one of the
few species of hardy Veronicas. It grows about 4 feet high, with deep
green leaves arranged in rows, and white f
owers, produced late in
summer. It is a very free-growing shrub, of perfect hardihood, and one
of, if not the best for general planting.
The above two species are, so far as is at present known, the hardiest
in cultivation, although there are many kinds that will succeed well
under very favourable conditions, and particularly when planted by the
sea-side. Other half-hardy species might include V. salicifolia
(Willow-leaved Veronica), with long, narrow leaves, and white or
purplish flowers; V. ligustrifolia (Privet-leaved Veronica), with spikes
of feathery-white flowers; V. speciosa, with erect spikes of
purplish-blue flowers; and V. Andersoni, a hybrid form, with spikes of
bluish-violet flowers.
The dwarf or alpine species might include V. cupressoides, with
Cypress-like foliage, V. Lyallii, V. carnosula, and others, but such
hardly come within our scope.