XANTHOCERAS SORBIFOLIA.--China, 1870. An extremely pretty flowered and
handsome leaved shrub, but owing to its late introduction is not yet
well known. So far it has proved itself perfectly hardy in this country,
there being specimens at wide distances apart that have stood uninjured
through our past severe winters.
The leaves are pale green, and pinnate, somewhat resembling those of the
Rowan Tree. Flowe
s five petalled, creamy white, sometimes very slightly
tinged with flesh colour, with a coppery red or violet-purple centre,
and disposed in racemes. When fully expanded they are an inch across,
and somewhat reflexed. It flowers early in April, with the appearance of
the leaves, the blooms being produced in great abundance, in spike-like
clusters fully seven inches long, and succeeded by a small green
Pear-like fruit. This is one of the most distinct and handsome of
recently introduced shrubs, and will, when more widely disseminated, be
largely planted for purely ornamental purposes. It grows from 10 feet to
about 15 feet high.