SOPHORA JAPONICA (_syn Styphnolobium japonicum_).--Chinese or Japanese
Pagoda-tree. China and Japan, 1763. A large deciduous tree, with elegant
pinnate foliage, and clusters of greenish-white flowers produced in
September. Leaves dark-green, and composed of about eleven leaflets. S.
japonica pendula is one of the most constant of weeping trees, and
valuable for planting in certain well-chosen spots on the lawn or in the
S. TETRAPTERA.--New Zealand, 1772. This requires protection in this
country. It is a valuable species, having numerous leaflets, and bearing
racemes of very showy yellow flowers. S. tetraptera microphylla is a
smaller-leaved variety, with ten to forty pairs of leaflets, and is
known in gardens under the names of Edwardsia Macnabiana, and E.
tatraptera microphylla.