STYRAX AMERICANA and S. PULVERULENTA are not commonly cultivated, being
far less showy than the Japanese species. They bear white flowers.
S. OFFICINALIS.--Storax. Levant, 1597. This is a small deciduous shrub,
with ovate leaves, and short racemes of pretty pure white flowers. A not
very hardy species, and only second-rate as an ornamental flowering
S. SERRULATA VIRGATA (_syn S. japonica_).--Japanese Storax. Japan. A
neat-habited and dense-growing shrub, with pretty white flowers that are
neatly set off by the showy yellow stamens. It is an extremely pretty
shrub, with long, slender, much-branched shoots, furnished with ovate
leaves, and deliciously-scented, snow-white bell-shaped flowers,
produced for nearly the full length of the shoots. So far, this shrub of
recent introduction has proved quite hardy. S. serrulata variegata is a
well-marked and constant form.