TECOMA GRANDIFLORA (_syn Bignonia grandiflora_), from China and Japan
(1800), is not so hardy as T. radicans, although in certain maritime
districts it succeeds fairly well. The flowers are very attractive,
being of a rich orange-scarlet, and produced in drooping clusters. Both
foliage and flowers are larger than those of T. radicans. It wants a
warm, sunny wall, and light, rich, and well-drained soil, and if only
ts lovely flowers, it is well worthy of coddling and good
T. RADICANS (_syn Bignonia radicans_).--Trumpet Flower. North America,
1640. An old occupant of our gardens and one of the most beautiful wall
plants in cultivation. It is a tall climber, of sometimes fully 20 feet
in height, with graceful pinnate leaves, and handsome trumpet-shaped
scarlet-red flowers, that are at their best about mid-summer, though the
period of flowering extends over a considerable length of time. The
stems are long, twisted, and wiry, and like those of the Ivy send out
roots at the joints and so fasten the plant in position. Few climbing
plants are more attractive than the Trumpet Flower, and being hardy in
most parts of the country, and free of growth, is to be recommended for
covering walls, and arches, or similar structures. T. radicans major is
of more robust growth than the species, with larger foliage and paler
flowers. The orange-scarlet flowers are produced in terminal corymbs.