DISCARIA LONGISPINA.--This is at once a curious and beautiful shrub, of
low, creeping growth, and poorly furnished with leaves, which, however,
are amply made up for by the deep green of the shoots and stems, and
which give to the plant almost the appearance of an evergreen. The
flowers, which are bell-shaped and white, are almost lavishly produced,
and as they last for a very long time, with only the pure white
assuming a pinky tinge when subjected to excessive sunshine, the value
of the shrub is still further enhanced. For planting against a mound of
rock this scrambling shrub is of value, but the position should not be
exposed to cold winds, for the plant is somewhat tender. From South
America, and allied to the better known Colletias.
D. SERRATIFOLIA (_syn Colletia serratifolia_), is even a handsomer
plant than the former, with minute serrated foliage, and sheets of
small white flowers in June.