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New England Trees
Arbor Day
EPHEDRA VULGARIS (_syn Ephedra monastachya_), from Siberia, 1772, is a
half-hardy shrub of trailing habit, with inconspicuous flowers.
Thriving in very poor soil, or on rocky situations, is the only reason
why it is introduced here.
DABOECIA POLIFOLIA (_syn Menziesia polifolia_).--St. Dabeoc's Heath. South Western Europe, Ireland and the Azores. A dwarf, and rather straggling, viscid shrub, with linear-ovate leaves that are silvery beneath. The flowers are pink, and abundantly ...
DANAE LAURUS (_syn D. racemosa_ and _Ruscus racemosus_).--Alexandrian Laurel. A native of Portugal (1739), with glossy-green leaf substitutes, and racemes of small, not very showy, greenish-yellow flowers. ...
DAPHNE ALPINA.--Italy, 1759. A deciduous species, which has white or rosy-white, sweet-scented flowers. It is a pretty, but rare shrub, that grows well in light sandy leaf soil. D. ALTAICA.--Siberia, 1796. Though rare in gardens, this is a pretty ...
DAPHNIPHYLLUM GLAUCESCENS.--East Indies, Java and Corea. A handsome Japanese shrub that will be valued for its neat Rhododendron-like foliage, compact habit of growth, and for the conspicuous bark which is of a warm reddish hue. The leaves are large...
DESFONTAINEA SPINOSA.--Andes from Chili to New Grenada, 1853. This is a desirable shrub, and one that is perfectly hardy in most parts of the country. It is a charming shrub of bold, bushy habit, with prickly holly-like foliage, and scarlet and yell...
DEUTZIA CRENATA (_syn D. scabra_ and _D. Fortunei_).--Japan 1863. This is of stout, bushy growth, often reaching a height of 8 feet, and lateral spread of nearly as much. The ovate-lanceolate leaves are rough to the touch, and its slender, but wiry ...
DIERVILLA FLORIBUNDA (_syn D. multiflora_ and _Weigelia floribunda_), from Japan, 1864, has narrow, tubular, purplish-coloured corollas, that are only slightly opened out at the mouth. The Diervillas are valuable decorative shrubs, of free growth in...
DIOSPYROS KAKI COSTATA.--The Date Plum. China, 1789. Fruit as big as a small apple; leaves leathery, entire, and broadly ovate; flowers and fruits in this country when afforded the protection of a wall. The fruit is superior to that of D. virginiana...
DIRCA PALUSTRIS.--Leather Wood. North America, 1750. A much-branched bush, of quite a tree-like character, but rarely more than 3 feet high. To the Daphnes it is nearly allied, and is close in resemblance; but there is a curious yellowish hue pervad...
DISCARIA LONGISPINA.--This is at once a curious and beautiful shrub, of low, creeping growth, and poorly furnished with leaves, which, however, are amply made up for by the deep green of the shoots and stems, and which give to the plant almost the a...
DRIMYS AROMATICA (_syn Tasmannia aromatica_).--Tasmanian Pepper Plant. Tasmania, 1843. This is, if we might say so, a more refined plant than D. Winteri, with smaller and narrower leaves, and smaller flowers. The plant, too, has altogether a faint r...
ELAEAGNUS ARGENTEA.--Silver Berry. North America, 1813. A spreading shrub 8 feet or 10 feet high, with lanceolate leaves clothed with silvery scales. The flowers are axillary and clustered, and are succeeded by pretty, silvery-ribbed berries. E. ...
EMBOTHRIUM COCCINEUM.--Fire Bush. South America, 1851. This is a beautiful shrub, of tall growth, with flowers of great interest and beauty. Except in warm and favoured situations, it is not very hardy, and should always be grown as a wall plant. Th...
EPHEDRA VULGARIS (_syn Ephedra monastachya_), from Siberia, 1772, is a half-hardy shrub of trailing habit, with inconspicuous flowers. Thriving in very poor soil, or on rocky situations, is the only reason why it is introduced here. ...
EPIGAEA REPENS.--Ground Laurel, or New England Mayflower. Northern United States, 1736. This is, perhaps, in so far as stature is concerned, hardly worthy of a place in our list, yet it is such a pretty and useful shrub, though rarely rising more th...
ERCILLA SPICATA (_syn Bridgesia spicata_).--Chili, 1840. A small-growing, half-climbing shrub, with leathery, deep green leaves, and inconspicuous flowers. Hailing from Chili, it is not very hardy, but given the protection of a wall, or planted agai...
ERICA CARNEA.--South Europe, 1763. This is one of the most beautiful and desirable of hardy Heaths, on account of the richly-coloured flowers and early season at which they are produced. In the typical species the flowers are pink or flesh-coloured,...
ESCALLONIA FLORIBUNDA (_syn E. montevideusis_).--New Grenada, 1827. This is one of the handsomest species, bearing long, arching clusters of white flowers. It is a very desirable shrub for wall or lattice-work covering, against which it grows rapidl...
EUCRYPHIA PINNATIFOLIA.--Chili, 1880. This shrub, is as yet rare in cultivation, and is not suited for the colder or more exposed parts of the country. It is, however, a singularly distinct and beautiful shrub, with deep glossy-green, pinnate foliag...
EUONYMUS AMERICANA.--American Spindle Tree. North America, 1686. This is a deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub, of about 6 feet in height, found over a wide area in Canada and the United States. It is of partially erect growth, with long and lithe bra...
FABIANA IMBRICATA.--Chili, 1838. This is, unfortunately, not hardy in any but the milder maritime parts of England and Ireland. It is a charming shrub of Heather-like appearance, with small, crowded leaves, and pure white flowers produced in May. Pl...
FATSIA JAPONICA (_syns Aralia japonica_ and _A. Sieboldii_).--Japan, 1858. This is of no particular value as a flowering shrub, but being hardy in most districts, and having large handsome leaves that impart to it a tropical appearance, it is well w...
FENDLERA RUPICOLA.--Mexico, 1888. A low-growing shrub, peculiar to the dry rocky parts of the United States, particularly the south-western district. It grows about a yard high, and bears a great profusion of bluish-white flowers, that are rendered ...
FORSYTHIA SUSPENSA (_syn F. Fortunei_ and _F. Sieboldii_).--Japan and China, 1864. A slender-growing shrub, with variable leaves, and long, trailing shoots. The flowers are abundantly produced, are of a beautiful golden tint, and bell-shaped, and be...
FOTHERGILLA ALNIFOLIA.--North Eastern America, 1765. This is an ungainly habited shrub, of dwarf growth, the branches being somewhat slender and crooked. The flowers are white, sweetly scented, and produced in dense terminal spikes. It is perfectly ...
FRAXINUS ORNUS (_syn F. argentea, F. rotundifolia_, and _Ornus europea_).--Manna Ash. South Europe, 1730. This is a handsome tree, especially when young and vigorous, and by far the most ornamental species in cultivation. For planting in situations ...