Mountain Ash
=Habitat and Range.=--River banks, cool woods, swamps, and mountains.
Newfoundland to Manitoba.
Maine,--common; New Hampshire,--common along the watersheds of the
Connecticut and Merrimac rivers and on the slopes of the White
mountains; Vermont,--abundant far up the slopes of the Green mountains;
Massachusetts,--Graylock, Wachusett, Watatic, and other mountainous
regions; rare eastward;
Rhode Island and Connecticut,--occasional in the
northern sections.
South, in cold swamps and along the mountains to North Carolina;
west to Michigan and Minnesota.
=Habit.=--A small tree, 15-20 feet high, often attaining in the woods of
northern Maine and on the slopes of the White mountains a height of
25-30 feet, with a trunk diameter of 12-15 inches; reduced at its
extreme altitudes to a low shrub; head, in open ground, pyramidal or
roundish; branches spreading and slender.
=Bark.=--Closely resembling bark of P. sambucifolia.
=Winter Buds and Leaves.,=--Buds more or less scythe-shaped, acute,
smooth, glutinous. Leaves pinnately compound, alternate; stem grooved,
enlarged at base, reddish-brown above; stipules deciduous; leaflets
11-19, 2-4 inches long, bright green above, paler beneath, smooth,
narrow-oblong or lanceolate, the terminal often elliptical, finely and
sharply serrate above the base; apex acuminate; base roundish to acute
and unequally sided; sessile or nearly so, except in the odd leaflet.
=Inflorescence.=--In terminal, densely compound, large and flattish
cymes; calyx 5-lobed; petals 5, white, roundish, short-clawed; stamens
numerous; ovary inferior; styles 3.
=Fruit.=--Round, bright red, about the size of a pea, lasting into
=Horticultural Value.=--Hardy throughout New England; prefers a good,
well-drained soil; rate of growth slow and nearly uniform. It is readily
transplanted and would be useful on the borders of woods, in plantations
of low trees, and in seaside exposures. Rare in nurseries and seldom for
sale by collectors. The readily obtainable and more showy European P.
aucuparia is to be preferred for ornamental purposes.
1. Winter buds.
2. Flowering branch.
3. Flower with part of perianth and stamens removed.
4. Petal.
5. Fruiting branch.
=Pyrus sambucifolia, Cham. & Schlecht.=
Sorbus sambucifolia, R[oe]m.