Green Ash
River valleys and wet woods.
Ontario to Saskatchewan.
Maine,--common along the Penobscot river from Oldtown to Bangor;
Vermont,--along Lake Champlain; Gardner's island, and the north end of
South Hero; Rhode Island (Bailey); Connecticut,--frequent (J. N. Bishop,
Report of Connecticut Board of Agriculture, 1895).
South along the mountains to Florida; west to the Rocky mountains.
The claims to specific distinction rest mainly upon the usual absence of
pubescence from the young shoots, leaves and petioles, the color of the
leaves (which is bright green above and scarcely less so beneath), the
usually more distinct serratures above the center, and a rather more
acuminate apex.
Apparently an extreme form of F. pubescens, connected with it by
numerous intermediate forms through the entire range of the species.
1. Winter buds.
2. Fruiting branch.
=Fraxinus nigra, Marsh.=
Fraxinus sambucifolia, Lam.