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New England Trees
Arbor Day
Inflorescence usually appearing before the leaves; flowers with lacerate
bracts, disk cup-shaped and oblique-edged, at least in sterile flowers;
stamens usually many, filaments distinct; stigmas mostly divided,
elongated or spreading.
Poplar Swamp Poplar Cottonwood
Pussy Willow Glaucous Willow
Mountain Maple
=Habitat and Range.=--In damp forests, rocky highland woods, along the sides of mountain brooks at altitudes of 500-1000 feet. From Nova Scotia and Newfoundland to Saskatchewan. Maine,--common, especially northward in the forests; New Hamps...
=Habitat and Range.=--Banks of rivers, rich woods. Canadian shore of Lake Erie. A rare tree in New England. Maine,--doubtfully reported; New Hampshire,--Pemigewasset valley, White mountains (Matthews); Vermont,--northern extremity of Lake ...
Pear Tree
The common pear, introduced from Europe; a frequent escape from cultivation throughout New England and elsewhere; becomes scraggly and shrubby in a wild state. =Pyrus Malus, L.= Malus Malus, Britton. ...
=Habitat and Range.=--Rhode Island,--occasional but doubtfully native; Connecticut,--at Lighthouse Point, New Haven, near the East Haven boundary line, there is a grove consisting of about one hundred twenty-five small trees not more than a hundred ...
Pignut White Hickory
=Habitat and Range.=--Woods, dry hills, and uplands. Niagara peninsula and along Lake Erie. Maine,--frequent in the southern corner of York county; New Hampshire,--common toward the coast and along the lower Merrimac valley; abundant on hil...
Pin Oak Swamp Oak Water Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Low grounds, borders of forests, wet woods, river banks, islets in swamps. Ontario. Northern New England,--no station reported; Massachusetts,--Amherst (Stone, Bull. Torrey Club, IX, 57; J. E. Humphrey, Amherst Trees)...
Pinoideae Pine Family Conifers
ABIETACEAE. CUPRESSACEAE. Trees or shrubs, resinous; leaves simple, mostly evergreen, relatively small, entire, needle-shaped, awl-shaped, linear, or scale-like; stipules none; flowers catkin-like; calyx none; corolla none; ovary represented by...
The leaves are of two kinds, primary and secondary; the primary are thin, deciduous scales, in the axils of which the secondary leaf-buds stand; the inner scales of those leaf-buds form a loose, deciduous sheath which encloses the secondary or fol...
Pitch Pine Hard Pine
=Habitat and Range.=--Most common in dry, sterile soils, occasional in swamps. New Brunswick to Lake Ontario. Maine,--mostly in the southwestern section near the seacoast; as far north as Chesterville, Franklin county (C. H. Knowlton, Rhod...
Pomaceae Apple Family
Trees or shrubs; leaves simple or pinnate, mostly alternate, with stipules free from the leafstalk and usually soon falling; flowers regular, perfect; calyx 5-lobed; calyx-tube adnate to ovary; petals 5, inserted on the disk which lines the calyx-...
Poplar Aspen
=Habitat and Range.=--In all soils and situations except in deep swamps, though more usual in dry uplands; sometimes springing up in great abundance in clearings or upon burnt lands. Newfoundland, Labrador, and Nova Scotia to the Hudson bay r...
Poplar Large-toothed Aspen
=Habitat and Range.=--In rich or poor soils; woods, hillsides, borders of streams. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, southern Quebec, and Ontario. New England,--common, occasional at altitudes of 2000 feet or more. South to Pennsylvania a...
Poplar Swamp Poplar Cottonwood
=Habitat and Range.=--In or along swamps occasionally or often overflowed; rare, local, and erratically distributed. Connecticut,--frequent in the southern sections; Bozrah (J. N. Bishop); Guilford, in at least three wood-ponds (W. E. Dudley in li...
Inflorescence usually appearing before the leaves; flowers with lacerate bracts, disk cup-shaped and oblique-edged, at least in sterile flowers; stamens usually many, filaments distinct; stigmas mostly divided, elongated or spreading. ...
Pussy Willow Glaucous Willow
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, wet grounds; banks of streams, swamps, moist hillsides. Nova Scotia to Manitoba. Maine,--abundant; common throughout the other New England states. South to North Carolina; west to Illinois and Missouri. ...
Red Birch River Birch
=Habitat and Range.=--Along rivers, ponds, and woodlands inundated a part of the year. Doubtfully and indefinitely reported from Canada. No stations in Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, or Connecticut; New Hampshire,--found sparingly along str...
Red Cedar Cedar Savin
=Habitat and Range.=--Dry, rocky hills but not at great altitudes, borders of lakes and streams, sterile plains, peaty swamps. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to Ontario. Maine,--rare, though it extends northward to the middle Kennebec valley...
Red Maple Swamp Maple Soft Maple White Maple
=Habitat and Range.=--Borders of streams, low lands, wet forests, swamps, rocky hillsides. Nova Scotia to the Lake of the Woods. Common throughout New England from the sea to an altitude of 3000 feet on Katahdin. South to southern ...
Red Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Growing impartially in a great variety of soils, but not on wet lands. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to divide west of Lake Superior. Maine,--common, at least south of the central portions; New Hampshire,--extending i...
Red Pine Norway Pine
=Habitat and Range.=--In poor soils: sandy plains, dry woods. Newfoundland and New Brunswick, throughout Quebec and Ontario, to the southern end of Lake Winnipeg. Maine,--common, plains, Brunswick (Cumberland county); woods, Bristol (...
Red Spruce
=Habitat and Range.=--Cool, rich woods, well-drained valleys, slopes of mountains, not infrequently extending down to the borders of swamps. Prince Edward island and Nova Scotia, along the valley of the St. Lawrence. Maine,--throughou...
Rum Cherry Black Cherry
=Habitat and Range.=--In all sorts of soils and exposures; open places and rich woods. Nova Scotia to Lake Superior. Maine,--not reported north of Oldtown (Penobscot county); frequent throughout the other New England states. South ...
Salicaceae Willow Family
Trees or shrubs; leaves simple, alternate, undivided, with stipules either minute and soon falling or leafy and persistent; inflorescence from axillary buds of the preceding season, appearing with or before the leaves, in nearly erect, spreading o...
Inflorescence appearing with or before the leaves; flowers with entire bracts and one or two small glands; disks wanting; stamens few. =Populus tremuloides, Michx.= ...
=Habitat and Range.=--In various soils and situations; sandy or rich woods, along the borders of peaty swamps. Provinces of Quebec and Ontario. Maine,--this tree grows not beyond Black Point (Scarboro, Cumberland county) eastward (Josselyn...
Scarlet Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Most common in dry soil. Ontario. Maine,--valley of the Androscoggin, southward; New Hampshire and Vermont,--not authoritatively reported by recent observers; Massachusetts,--more common in the eastern than western se...