
PIERIS FLORIBUNDA (_syns Andromeda floribunda_ and _Leucothoe

floribunda_).--United States, 1812. Few perfectly hardy shrubs are more

beautiful than this, with its pure white Lily-of-the-Valley like

flowers, borne in dense racemes and small, neat, dark green leaves. To

cultivate this handsome shrub in a satisfactory way, fairly rich loam

or peat, and a situation sheltered from cold and cutting winds, are


P. JAPONICA (_syn Andromeda japonica_).--Japan, 1882. A hardy,

well-known shrub, that was first brought specially under notice in "The

Garden," and of which a coloured plate and description were given. It is

thickly furnished with neat and small deep-green, leathery leaves, and

pretty, waxy white flowers, pendulous at the branch tips. Planted in

free, sandy peat, it thrives vigorously, and soon forms a neat specimen

of nearly a yard in height. It is a very desirable hardy species, and

one that can be confidently recommended for ornamental planting. There

is a variegated variety, P. japonica elegantissima, with leaves clearly

edged with creamy-white, and flushed with pink. Amongst variegated,

small-growing shrubs it is a gem.

P. MARIANA (_syn Andromeda Mariana ovalis_).--North America, 1736. A

neat shrub of about 3 feet in height, with oval leaves, and pretty white

flowers in pendent clusters.

P. OVALIFOLIA (_syn Andromeda ovalifolia_).--Nepaul, 1825. A fine,

tall-growing species, with oval-pointed, leathery leaves placed on long

footstalks. Flowers in lengthened, drooping, one-sided racemes, and

white or pale flesh-coloured. Being perfectly hardy, and attaining to as

much as 20 feet in height, it is a desirable species for the lawn or


