P. ANGUSTIFOLIA (narrow-leaved Phillyrea), P. ilicifolia (Holly-leaved
Phillyrea), P. salicifolia (Willow-leaved Phillyrea), P. buxifolia
(Box-leaved Phillyrea), and P. ligustrifolia (Privet-leaved Phillyrea),
are all more or less valuable species, and their names indicate their
peculiarities of leafage. P. angustifolia rosmarinifolia (_syn P.
neapolitana_) is a somewhat rare shrub, but one that is well worthy of
e, if only for its neat habit and tiny little Rosemary-like
leaves. It is from Italy, and known under the synonym of _P.
P. LATIFOLIA (_syn P. obliqua_).--Broad-leaved Phillyrea. South Europe,
1597. This is a compact-growing and exceedingly ornamental shrub, with
bright and shining, ovate-serrulated leaves. For its handsome, evergreen
foliage and compact habit of growth it is, perhaps, most to be valued,
for the small flowers are at their best both dull and inconspicuous. Not
very hardy unless in the sea-coast garden.
P. MEDIA (_syns P. ligustrifolia_ and _P. oleaefolia_).--South Europe,
1597. This is another interesting species, but not at all common in
P. VILMORINIANA (_syns P. laurifolia_ and _P. decora_).--Asia Minor,
1885, This is a grand addition to these valuable shrubs, of which it is
decidedly the best from an ornamental point of view. It is of compact
growth, with large, Laurel-like leaves, which are of a pleasing shade of
green, and fully 4 inches long. They are of stout, leathery texture, and
plentifully produced. That this shrub is perfectly hardy is now a
well-established fact.
The Phillyreas succeed well in light, warm, but not too dry soil, and
they do all the better if a warm and sheltered position is assigned to
them. Being unusually bright of foliage, they are of great service in
planting for shrubbery embellishment, and which they light up in a very
conspicuous manner during the dull winter months. They get shabby and
meagre foliaged if exposed to cold winds.