PERNETTYA MUCRONATA (_syn Arbutus mucronata_).--Prickly Heath. Magellan,
1828. This is a dwarf-growing, wiry shrub, with narrow, stiff leaves,
and bears an abundance of white, bell-shaped flowers. It is a capital
wind screen, and may be used to advantage on the exposed side of
rockwork or flower beds, or as an ornamental shrub by the pond or lake
side. The small dark-green leaves, the tiny white flowers, and great
ance of deep purple berries in winter, are all points that are in
favour of the shrub for extended cultivation. The pretty, pinky shoots,
too, help to make the plant attractive even in mid-winter. Propagation
by layers or seed is readily brought about. To grow this shrub to
perfection, peaty soil or decayed vegetable matter will be found most
suitable. There is a narrow-leaved form named P. mucronata angustifolia,
and another on which the name of P. mucronata speciosa has been
There are many beautiful-berried forms of the Pernettya, but as their
flowers are small can hardly be included in our list.