
CLETHRA ACUMINATA.--Pointed-leaved Pepper Tree. Carolina, 1806. This is

not so hardy as C. alnifolia, hailing from the Southern States of North

America, but with a little protection is able to do battle with our

average English winter. It resembles C. alnifolia, except in the

leaves, which are sharp pointed, and like that species delights to grow

in damp positions. The flowers are white and drooping, and the growth

robust than is that of C. alnifolia generally. For planting by the

pond or lake-side, the Pepper Trees are almost invaluable.

C. ALNIFOLIA.--Alder-leaved Pepper Tree. North America, 1831. A rather

stiff-growing shrub of about 5 feet in height, with leaves resembling

those of our common Alder, and bearing towards the end of July spikes

of almost oppressively fragrant dull-white flowers at the tips of the

branches. It is a valuable shrub, not only in an ornamental way, but on

account of it thriving in damp, swampy ground, where few others could

exist, while at the same time it will succeed and flower freely in

almost any good garden soil.

