
BUDDLEIA GLOBOSA.--Orange Ball Tree. Chili, 1774. A shrubby species,

ranging in height from 12 feet to 20 feet, and the only one at all

common in gardens. Favoured spots in Southern England would seem to

suit the plant fairly well, but to see it at its best one must visit

some of the maritime gardens of North Wales, where it grows stout and

strong, and flowers with amazing luxuriance. Where it thrives it must

be ranked
amongst the most beautiful of wall plants, for few, indeed,

are the standard specimens that are to be met with, the protection

afforded by a wall being almost a necessity in its cultivation. The

leaves are linear-lanceolate, and covered with a dense silvery

tomentum on the under side, somewhat rugose above, and partially

deciduous. Flowers in small globular heads, bright orange or yellow,

and being plentifully produced are very showy in early summer. It

succeeds well in rich moist loam on gravel.

B. LINDLEYANA.--China, 1844. This has purplish-red flowers and angular

twigs, but it cannot be relied upon unless in very sheltered and mild

parts of the country.

B. PANICULATA (_syn B. crispa_).--Nepaul, 1823. This may at once be

distinguished by its curly, woolly leaves, and fragrant lilac flowers.

It is a desirable species, but suffers from our climate.

