BACCHARIS HALIMIFOLIA.--Groundsel Tree or Sea Purslane. North America.
For seaside planting this is an invaluable shrub, as it succeeds well
down even to high water mark, and where it is almost lashed by the
salt spray. The flowers are not very ornamental, resembling somewhat
those of the Groundsel, but white with a tint of purple. Leaves
obovate in shape, notched, and thickly covered with a whitish powder,
which imparts to them a pleasing glaucous hue. Any light soil that is
tolerably dry suits well the wants of this shrub, but it is always
seen in best condition by the seaside. Under favourable conditions it
attains to a height of 12 feet, with a branch spread nearly as much in
diameter. A native of the North American coast from Maryland to
B. PATAGONICA.--Megallan. This is a very distinct and quite hardy
species, with small deep green leaves and white flowers. It succeeds
under the same conditions as the latter.