BRYANTHUS ERECTUS.--Siberia. This is a pretty little Ericaceous plant,
nearly allied to Menziesia, and with a plentiful supply of dark-green
leaves. The flowers, which are borne in crowded clusters at the points
of the shoots, are bell-shaped, and of a pleasing reddish-lilac colour.
It wants a cool, moist peaty soil, and is perfectly hardy. When in a
flowering stage the Bryanthus is one of the brightest occupants of the
peat bed, and is a very suitable companion for such dwarf plants as
the Heaths, Menziesias, and smaller growing Kalmias.
B. EMPETRIFORMIS (_syn Menziesia empetrifolia_).--North America, 1829.
This is a compact, neat species, and well suited for alpine gardening.
The flowers are rosy-purple, and produced abundantly.