
SPIRAEA BELLA.--Pretty-flowered Spiraea. Himalayas, 1820. The reddish

stems of this rather tall-growing species are of interest, and render

the plant distinct. Leaves ovate, acute, and serrated, and tomentose

beneath. Flowers in spreading corymbs of a very beautiful rose colour,

and at their best from the middle of May till the middle of June. S.

bella alba has white flowers.

S. BLUMEI.--Blume's Spiraea.
apan. This is a Japanese species, growing

4 feet or 5 feet high, with small, ovate, bluntly-pointed leaves, and

white flowers arranged in compact terminal cymes. It is a good and

worthy species for ornamental planting.

S. BULLATA (_syn S. crispifolia_.)--Japan. This will ever be accounted

valuable for the rock garden, owing to its very dwarf habit and extreme

floriferousness. It bears tiny bunches of bright rose-coloured flowers,

and these look all the more charming owing to the miniature size of the

shrub, its average height being about 12 inches. A very interesting and

valuable rock shrub, and one that no doubt about its perfect hardihood

need be entertained.

S. CANA.--Hoary-leaved Spiraea. Croatia, 1825. This is a small spreading

shrub that rarely rises to more than 18 inches in height, with small,

ovate, hoary leaves, and pretty white flowers arranged in corymbs. For

rockwork planting it is one of the most valuable species, growing freely

and producing its showy flowers in abundance. Quite hardy.

S. CANTONIENSIS (_syn S. Reevesiana_).--Reeve's Spiraea. Japan, 1843. An

evergreen or sub-evergreen species, growing 3 feet high, with lanceolate

leaves on long footstalks, and large, pure white flowers arranged in

terminal corymbs, and placed on long peduncles.

S. CHAMAEDRIFOLIA (_syn S. ceanothifolia_).--Germander-leaved Spiraea.

South-eastern Europe to Japan, 1789. Grows about a yard high, with

ovate, pubescent leaves, and white flowers. It varies widely in the

shape and size of leaves. S. chamaedrifolia ulmifolia (Elm-leaved

Spiraea) a twiggy shrub, 3 feet high, with broad leaves and white

flowers, is from Siberia. S. chamaedrifolia crataegifolia

(Hawthorn-leaved Spiraea) is of stout, half-erect growth, with rather

stiff glaucous leaves that are oval in shape, and bright red or pink

flowers in fastigiate panicles. From Siberia 1790, and flowering at


S. DECUMBENS (_syn S. nana_).--Decumbent Spiraea. Tyrol. This is the

smallest-growing of the shrubby Spiraeas, rarely attaining to a greater

height than 12 inches. It is a neat growing plant, with small oval

leaves, and white pedunculate flowers. For planting on the rockwork or

in the front line of the shrubbery, this is an invaluable shrub, and

soon forms a neat and pretty specimen. It is perfectly hardy.

S. DISCOLOR ARIAEFOLIA (_syn S. ariaefolia_).--White Beam-leaved

Spiraea. North-west America, 1827. This forms a dense, erect shrub about

6 feet high, with elliptic-oblong leaves, and clothed beneath with a

whitish tomentum. The flowers are in large, terminal, slender-stalked

panicles, and white or yellowish-white. It is one of the handsomest

species in cultivation, the neat and yet not stiff habit, and pretty,

plume-like tufts of flowers making it a general favourite with the

cultivators of hardy shrubs. Flowers about mid-summer. In rich soils,

and where partially shaded from cold winds, it thrives best.

S. DOUGLASII.--Douglas's Spiraea. North-west America. This has long,

obovate-lanceolate leaves, that are white with down on the under

surface, and bears dense, oblong, terminal panicles of rosy flowers. S.

Douglasii Nobleana (Noble's Spiraea) is a variety of great beauty,

growing about a yard high, with large leaves often 4 inches long, and

looser panicles of purple-red flowers. Flowering in July. The variety

was introduced from California in 1859.

S. FISSA.--Split-leaved Spiraea. Mexico, 1839. A stout, erect-growing

shrub, about 8 feet high, with rather small leaves, angular, downy

branches, and long, loose, terminal panicles of small and greenish-white

flowers. The leaves are wedge-shaped at the base, and when young have

the lateral incisions split into a pair of unequal and very sharp teeth.

Flowering in May and June. In the south and west of England it thrives


S. HYPERICIFOLIA (_syn S. flagellata_).--Asia Minor, 1640. A wiry twiggy

shrub, fully 4 feet high, with entire leaves, and small, white flowers

produced in umbels at the tips of the last year's shoots. It is a pretty

and desirable species.

S. JAPONICA (_syns S. callosa_ and _S. Fortunei_).--Japanese Spiraea.

China and Japan, 1859. This is a robust species about a yard high, with

large lanceolate leaves, and small, rosy-red flowers arranged in

corymbose heads. Flowering at mid-summer. There are several fine

varieties of this species, including S. japonica alba, a compact bush

about a foot high with white flowers; S. japonica rubra differs from the

type in having dark red flowers; S. japonica splendens, is a

free-flowering dwarf plant, with peach-coloured flowers and suitable for

forcing; and S. japonica superba, has dark rose-red flowers. S. Bumalda

is a closely allied form, if not a mere variety of S. japonica. It is of

dwarf habit, with dark reddish-purple flowers.

S. LAEVIGATA (_syns S. altaicensis_ and _S. altaica_).--Smooth Spiraea.

Siberia, 1774. A stout, spreading shrub about a yard high, with large,

oblong-lanceolate, smooth, and stalkless leaves. The white flowers are

arranged in racemose panicles, and produced in May.

S. LINDLEYANA.--Lindley's Spiraea. Himalayas. A handsome, tall-growing

species, growing from 6 feet to 8 feet high, with very large pinnate

leaves, and pretty white flowers in large terminal panicles. It is the

largest-leaved Spiraea in cultivation, and forms a stately, handsome

specimen, and produces its showy flowers in great quantities. Flowering

at the end of summer.

S. MEDIA (_syns S. confusa_ and _S. oblongifolia_).--Northern Asia, etc.

The pure white flowers of this species are very freely produced in

corymbs along the shoots of the previous season during the months of

June and July. The lanceolate-elliptic leaves are serrate, or the

smaller ones toothed near the apex only. Within the past few years the

species has been brought into prominence for forcing purposes, for which

it is admirably suited. It forms an upright, branching bush usually

about 3 ft. high, and is best known under the name of S. confusa.

S. PRUNIFOLIA.--China and Japan, 1845. A twiggy-branched shrub growing 4

feet or 5 feet high, with oval, Plum-like leaves, and white flowers.

There is a double-flowering variety named S. prunifolia flore-pleno,

which is both distinct and beautiful.

S. ROTUNDIFOLIA.--Round-leaved Spiraea. Cashmere, 1839. A

slender-branched shrub, having downy shoots, and round, blunt leaves,

flowering in July.

S. SALICIFOLIA.--Willow-leaved Spiraea. Europe, and naturalised in

Britain. An erect-growing, densely-branched shrub, with smooth shoots,

which spring usually directly from the ground. Leaves large, lanceolate,

smooth, doubly serrated, and produced plentifully. Flowers red or

rose-coloured, and arranged in short, thyrsoid panicles. It flowers in

July and August. S. salicifolia carnea has flesh-coloured flowers; S.

salicifolia paniculata has white flowers; and S. salicifolia grandiflora

has pink flowers as large again as the type. S. salicifolia alpestris

(Mountain Spiraea) grows fully 2 feet high, with lanceolate,

finely-toothed leaves, and loose, terminal panicles of pink or red

flowers. From Siberia, and flowering in autumn. S. salicifolia latifolia

(_syn S. carpinifolia_), the Hornbeam-leaved Spiraea, is a

white-flowered variety, with leaves resembling those of the Hornbeam.

From North America.

S. SORBIFOLIA.--Sorbus-leaved Spiraea. Siberia, 1759. A handsome, stout

species, 4 feet high, with large, pinnate, bright green leaves, and

small, white, sweetly-scented flowers produced in thyrsoid panicles.

S. THUNBERGII.--Thunberg's Spiraea. Japan. The white flowers of this

species smell somewhat like those of the Hawthorn, and are freely

produced on the leafless, twiggy stems, in March or early in April,

according to the state of the weather. They are borne in axillary

clusters from buds developed in the previous autumn, and are very

welcome in spring, long before the others come into bloom. The bush

varies from one to three feet high, and is clothed with

linear-lanceolate, sharply serrated leaves.

S. TOMENTOSA.--Tomentose Spiraea. North America, 1736. This species

grows 2 feet or 3 feet high, has rusty tomentose shoots and leaves, and

large, dense, compound spikes of showy red flowers. Flowering in summer.

S. TRILOBATA (_syn S. triloba_).--Three-lobed Spiraea. Altaian Alps,

1801. This is a distinct species with horizontally arranged branches,

small, roundish, three-lobed leaves, and white flowers arranged in

umbel-like corymbs. It flowers in May, and is quite hardy.

S. UMBROSA (Shady Spiraea) and S. EXPANSA (Expanded-flowered Spiraea),

the former from Northern India and the latter from Nepaul, are well

suited for planting in somewhat shady situations, and are very

ornamental species. The first mentioned grows about a foot high, with

rather large leaves, and cymes of white flowers on long slender

footstalks; while S. expansa has pink flowers, and lanceolate and

coarsely serrated leaves.

There are other valuable-flowering kinds, such as S. capitata, with

ovate leaves and white flowers; S. pikowiensis, a rare species with

white flowers; S. cuneifolia, with wedge-shaped leaves and panicles of

pretty white flowers; and S. vacciniaefolia, a dwarf-growing species,

with small ovate, serrulated leaves, and showy, pure white flowers. S.

betulifolia and S. chamaedrifolia flexuosa are worthy forms of free

growth and bearing white flowers.

