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New England Trees
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All New England Trees Page 4
Green Ash
River valleys and wet woods. Ontario to Saskatchewan. Maine,--common along the Penobscot river from Oldtown to Bangor; Vermont,--along Lake Champlain; Gardner's island, and the north end of South Hero; Rhode Island (Bailey); Connecticut,--...
Hackberry Nettle Tree Hoop Ash Sugar Berry
=Habitat and Range.=--In divers situations and soils; woods, river banks, near salt marshes. Province of Quebec to Lake of the Woods, occasional. Maine,--not reported; New Hampshire,--sparingly along the Connecticut valley, as far as Wells...
=Habitat and Range.=--Cold soils, borders of swamps, deep woods, ravines, mountain slopes. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, through Quebec and Ontario. Maine,--abundant, generally distributed in the southern and central portions, becoming rare ...
Holly American Holly
=Habitat and Range.=--Generally found in somewhat sheltered situations in sandy loam or in low, moist soil in the vicinity of water. Maine,--reported on the authority of Gray's Manual, sixth edition, in various botanical works, but no station is k...
Honey Locust Three-thorned Acacia
=Habitat and Range.=--In its native habitat growing in a variety of soils; rich woods, mountain sides, sterile plains. Southern Ontario. Maine,--young trees in the southern sections said to have been produced from self-sown seed (M. L. Fer...
Hop Hornbeam Ironwood Leverwood
=Habitat and Range.=--In rather open woods and along highlands. Nova Scotia to Lake Superior. Common in all parts of New England. Scattered throughout the whole country east of the Mississippi, ranging through western Minnesota...
Hornbeam Blue Beech Ironwood Water Beech
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, wet woods, and margins of swamps. Province of Quebec to Georgian bay. Rather common throughout New England, less frequent towards the coast. South to Florida; west to Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Indian ...
Juglandaceae Walnut Family
=Juglans cinerea, L.= ...
Leguminosae Pulse Family
=Gleditsia triacanthos, L.= ...
=Habitat and Range.=--In its native habitat growing upon mountain slopes, along the borders of forests, in rich soils. Naturalized from Nova Scotia to Ontario. Maine,--thoroughly at home, forming wooded banks along streams; New Hampshire,-...
Magnoliaceae Magnolia Family
=Liriodendron Tulipifera, L.= TULIP TREE. WHITEWOOD. POPLAR. =Habitat and Range.=--Prefers a rich, loamy, moist soil. Vermont,--valley of the Hoosac river in the southwestern corner of the state; Massachusetts,--frequent in the Connecticut ...
Mazard Cherry
Introduced from England; occasionally spontaneous along fences and the borders of woodlands. As an escape, 25-50 feet high, with a trunk diameter of 1-2 feet; head oblong or ovate; branches mostly ascending. Leaves ovate to obovate, more or less pub...
Mockernut White-heart Hickory Walnut
Habitat and Range.--In various soils; woods, dry, rocky ridges, mountain slopes. Niagara peninsula and westward. Maine and Vermont,--not reported; New Hampshire,--sparingly along the coast; Massachusetts,--rather common eastward; Rhode Isla...
Mountain Ash
=Habitat and Range.=--River banks, cool woods, swamps, and mountains. Newfoundland to Manitoba. Maine,--common; New Hampshire,--common along the watersheds of the Connecticut and Merrimac rivers and on the slopes of the White mountains; Ve...
Mountain Ash
=Habitat and Range.=--Mountain slopes, cool woods, along the shores of rivers and ponds, often associated with P. Americana, but climbing higher up the mountains. From Labrador and Nova Scotia west to the Rocky mountains, then northward along the...
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Red Oak
Pomaceae Apple Family
Mountain Ash
Mountain Ash
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Shadbush June-berry