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New England Trees
Arbor Day
All New England Trees Page 5
Mountain Maple
=Habitat and Range.=--In damp forests, rocky highland woods, along the sides of mountain brooks at altitudes of 500-1000 feet. From Nova Scotia and Newfoundland to Saskatchewan. Maine,--common, especially northward in the forests; New Hamps...
=Habitat and Range.=--Banks of rivers, rich woods. Canadian shore of Lake Erie. A rare tree in New England. Maine,--doubtfully reported; New Hampshire,--Pemigewasset valley, White mountains (Matthews); Vermont,--northern extremity of Lake ...
Pear Tree
The common pear, introduced from Europe; a frequent escape from cultivation throughout New England and elsewhere; becomes scraggly and shrubby in a wild state. =Pyrus Malus, L.= Malus Malus, Britton. ...
=Habitat and Range.=--Rhode Island,--occasional but doubtfully native; Connecticut,--at Lighthouse Point, New Haven, near the East Haven boundary line, there is a grove consisting of about one hundred twenty-five small trees not more than a hundred ...
Pignut White Hickory
=Habitat and Range.=--Woods, dry hills, and uplands. Niagara peninsula and along Lake Erie. Maine,--frequent in the southern corner of York county; New Hampshire,--common toward the coast and along the lower Merrimac valley; abundant on hil...
Pin Oak Swamp Oak Water Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Low grounds, borders of forests, wet woods, river banks, islets in swamps. Ontario. Northern New England,--no station reported; Massachusetts,--Amherst (Stone, Bull. Torrey Club, IX, 57; J. E. Humphrey, Amherst Trees)...
Pinoideae Pine Family Conifers
ABIETACEAE. CUPRESSACEAE. Trees or shrubs, resinous; leaves simple, mostly evergreen, relatively small, entire, needle-shaped, awl-shaped, linear, or scale-like; stipules none; flowers catkin-like; calyx none; corolla none; ovary represented by...
The leaves are of two kinds, primary and secondary; the primary are thin, deciduous scales, in the axils of which the secondary leaf-buds stand; the inner scales of those leaf-buds form a loose, deciduous sheath which encloses the secondary or fol...
Pitch Pine Hard Pine
=Habitat and Range.=--Most common in dry, sterile soils, occasional in swamps. New Brunswick to Lake Ontario. Maine,--mostly in the southwestern section near the seacoast; as far north as Chesterville, Franklin county (C. H. Knowlton, Rhod...
Pomaceae Apple Family
Trees or shrubs; leaves simple or pinnate, mostly alternate, with stipules free from the leafstalk and usually soon falling; flowers regular, perfect; calyx 5-lobed; calyx-tube adnate to ovary; petals 5, inserted on the disk which lines the calyx-...
Poplar Aspen
=Habitat and Range.=--In all soils and situations except in deep swamps, though more usual in dry uplands; sometimes springing up in great abundance in clearings or upon burnt lands. Newfoundland, Labrador, and Nova Scotia to the Hudson bay r...
Poplar Large-toothed Aspen
=Habitat and Range.=--In rich or poor soils; woods, hillsides, borders of streams. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, southern Quebec, and Ontario. New England,--common, occasional at altitudes of 2000 feet or more. South to Pennsylvania a...
Poplar Swamp Poplar Cottonwood
=Habitat and Range.=--In or along swamps occasionally or often overflowed; rare, local, and erratically distributed. Connecticut,--frequent in the southern sections; Bozrah (J. N. Bishop); Guilford, in at least three wood-ponds (W. E. Dudley in li...
Inflorescence usually appearing before the leaves; flowers with lacerate bracts, disk cup-shaped and oblique-edged, at least in sterile flowers; stamens usually many, filaments distinct; stigmas mostly divided, elongated or spreading. ...
Pussy Willow Glaucous Willow
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, wet grounds; banks of streams, swamps, moist hillsides. Nova Scotia to Manitoba. Maine,--abundant; common throughout the other New England states. South to North Carolina; west to Illinois and Missouri. ...
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Red Oak
Pomaceae Apple Family
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Mountain Ash
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Shadbush June-berry