Ailanthus Tree-of-heaven Chinese Sumac
Sparsely and locally naturalized in southern Ontario, New England, and
A native of China; first introduced into the United States on an
extensive scale in 1820 at Flushing, Long Island; afterwards
disseminated by nursery plants and by seed distributed from the
Agricultural Department at Washington. Its rapid growth, ability to
withstand considerable variations in temperature, and its dark luxur
foliage made it a great favorite for shade and ornament. It was planted
extensively in Philadelphia and New York, and generally throughout the
eastern sections of the country. When these trees began to fill the
ground with suckers and the vile-scented sterile flowers poisoned the
balmy air of June and the water in the cisterns, occasioning many
distressing cases of nausea, a reaction set in and hundreds of trees
were cut down. The female trees, against the blossoms of which no such
objection lay, were allowed to grow, and have often attained a height of
50-75 feet, with a trunk diameter of 3-5 feet. The fruit is very
beautiful, consisting of profuse clusters of delicate pinkish or
greenish keys.
The tree is easily distinguished by its ill-scented compound leaves,
often 2-3 feet long, by the numerous leaflets, sometimes exceeding 40,
each ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, with one or two teeth near the base, by
its vigorous growth from suckers, and in winter by the coarse, blunt
shoots and conspicuous, heart-shaped leaf-scars.