
LEUCOTHOE AXILLARIS (_syn Andromeda axillaris_).--North America, 1765.

This is of small growth, from 2 feet to 3 feet high, with oval-pointed

leaves and white flowers in short racemes produced in May and June. It

is not a very satisfactory species for cultivation in this country.

L. CATESBAEI (_syns Andromeda Catesbaei_ and _A. axillaris_).--North

America. This has white flowers with an unpleasant odour like that of
Chestnut blossoms, but is worthy of cultivation, and succeeds best in

cool sandy peat or friable yellow loam.

L. DAVISIAE, from California (1853), is a very handsome evergreen shrub,

of small and neat growth, and will be found an acquisition where compact

shrubs are in demand. The leaves are small, of a deep green colour, and

remain throughout the year. Flowers produced in great abundance at the

branch tips, usually in dense clusters, and individually small and pure


L. RECURVA (_syn Andromeda recurva_).--North America. A very distinct

plant on account of the branch tips being almost of a scarlet tint, and

thus affording a striking contrast to the grayish-green of the older

bark. The flowers are pinky-white and produced in curving racemes and

abundantly over the shrub. Like other members of the family it delights

to grow in cool sandy peat.

