D Championi

(_syn D. Fortunei_), from China, is a rare and pretty species, bearing

lilac flowers in winter, and whilst the shrub is leafless. It does best

in a warm situation, such as planted against a wall facing south.

D. CNEORUM.--Garland Flower. South Europe, 1752. This is a charming

rock shrub, of dwarf, trailing habit, with small glossy-green leaves,

and dense clusters of deep pink, deliciously-fragrant flowers.

D. FIONIANA is of neat growth, with small, glossy, dark leaves, and

pale rose-coloured flowers. Its sturdy, dwarf habit, constant verdure,

and pretty sweet-scented flowers, should make this species a favourite

with cultivators. Known also as D. hyemalis.

D. GENKWA.--Japanese Lilac. Japan, 1866. This is a rare and beautiful

species, of recent introduction, with large lilac-tinted,

sweetly-scently flowers.

D. LAUREOLA.--Spurge Laurel. This is not, in so far at least as flowers

are concerned, a showy species, but the ample foliage and sturdy habit

of the plant will always render this native species of value for the

shrubbery. It is of value, too, as growing and flowering freely in the

shade. The flowers are sweetly-scented and of a greenish-yellow colour,

and appear about February.

D. MEZEREUM.--The Mezereon. Europe (England). One of the commonest and

most popular of hardy garden shrubs. It is of stout, strict growth, and

produces clusters of pinky, rose, or purplish flowers before winter is

past, and while the branches are yet leafless. Few perfectly hardy

flowering shrubs are so popular as the Mezereon, and rightly so, for a

more beautiful plant could not be mentioned, wreathed as every branch

is, and almost back to the main stem, with the showiest of flowers. It

likes good, rich, dampish soil, and delights to grow in a quiet, shady

nook, or even beneath the spread of our larger forest trees. There are

several very distinct varieties, of which the white-flowered D.

Mezereum flore albo is one of the most valuable. The fruit of this

variety is bright golden-yellow. D. Mezereum autumnale and D. Mezereum

atro-rubrum are likewise interesting and beautiful forms.

D. PETRAEA (_syn D. rupestris_).--Rock Daphne. Tyrol. This is quite

hardy in the more sheltered corners of the rock garden, with neat,

shining foliage and pretty rosy flowers, produced so thickly all over

the plant as almost to hide the foliage from view. At Kew it thrives

well in peaty loam and limestone, and although it does not increase

very quickly is yet happy and contented. It is a charming rock shrub.

D. PONTICA.--Pontic Daphne. Asia Minor, 1759. This is much like D.

lauriola, but has shorter and more oval leaves, and the flowers,

instead of being borne in fives like that species, are produced in

pairs. They are also of a richer yellow, and more sweetly scented.

D. SERICEA (_syn D. collina_).--Italy and Asia Minor, 1820. This forms

a bush fully 2 feet high, with evergreen, oblong, shining leaves, and

clusters of rose-coloured flowers that are pleasantly scented. It is

quite hardy, and an interesting species that is well worthy of more

extended culture. There is a variety of this with broader foliage than

the species, and named D. sericea latifolia (_syn D. collina


